
So you've decided to make yourself a promise


Much like children, promises are easy to make and hard to keep. Sometimes we set our sights too high, or poorly define a goal, or show up drunk to the custodial hearing, and then BAM, you're into the missus for sixty percent of your monthly take-home.

I don't want to call 2006 a failure. It was both experience and experiment. One part grand, one part god-awful, the year that was made small, important promises for 2007 while mainly forgoing all the plans that 2005 made. If anything, 2006 was a lazy baby coming in, all shifty-eyed and aching for a shaking, and a toothless octogenarian going out, waiting listlessly by the mailbox for its pension to arrive.

For 2007, I've made a number of resolutions, and most of them will be of no interest to you (there are, for example, several resolutions pertaining to personal hygiene that destroy the mystery of my musk with their specificity). However, I have pledged to stop shunning my blog. ("Shunning the blog": Scottish High Game or Masturbation Reference?)

It won't be much, most likely, but then again, I set the bar pretty low last year. So we're all winners. Welcome to 2007.

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