
New years are beautiful. Let's have another.

Things I broke in 2007 by using them too hard:

1. A toothbrush.

Girlfriends and close relations can attest to my ability to brush my teeth so hard that even freshly purchased Bill Addis instruments will yield to my will. Do you know the kind of pressure it takes to bend the bristles on a brush? Neither do I, but I'm sure it takes uncommonly manly strength because I am: A) the only person I know who does that and B) uncommonly manly.

2. A glass slide.

Last year was an amazingly productive one for me in the realm of music. The End Times, Irrelevant Prophets, and The Christmas Belles all played shows to receptive and--dare I say--adoring audiences, and while no money was made (a trend I expect to continue throughout this year) in the doing, the creation and stage recreation was overwhelmingly fulfilling on the sort of levels talked about only in self-help books and heroic ballads.

Early on in ought seven, I was playing electric lapsteel with a glass slide and broke it, the bottom of the medicine bottle flopping like an impotent coin between the strings. I thought immediately that this would be the perfect anecdote to relate to an interviewer when the projects I was involved in got big. I'm, of course, a fool, a big one, but I still have the slide. My only regret is that my scrapbook has no place for broken pieces of glass.

3. My heart.

Jesus. I didn't know that thing even ticked anymore.

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