

Historically, making the jump from print to tv requires a complete abdication of tone, humor, and intent. Especially cartoons. For every Charles Schultz, you get ten Scott Adams. It's the law. So imagine my surprise at the above. Sure, it's pointed and mean and accurate, but so is the originating strip; in fact, since they wisely decided to keep the episodes under 2 minutes* instead of dragging the joke behind a truck for 22, the strip feels like the secondary creation, not a cash-in really (as I'd be surprised if there's a lot of money in political cartooning) but the spin-off.

And now that we probably won't see Sarah Palin answer any questions, ever, for anything, I don't even mind the meanness.

*All comedy scenes should be under two minutes. Anything more and you've done one of two things: 1) missed the point, messed up the logic, or fallen in love with your own voice; or 2) hit the joke and then hit the joke again, for laughing at you.

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