
The End Times Jive

When we arrived, it was closed.

The Jive

The giant plaster tea pot--made of the same material those roadside dinosaurs were poured, general American hope and plaster, probably able to withstand a nuclear blast--was shut. It and roaches will be all that remain when we're dust. Teapots and dinosaurs and roaches.

We saw old friends (Hi Pat!) and made new, saw great bands and also rans, and generally had a time.

If you joined us then, or at Cafe Racer, thank you. Your support is everything.

This coming Wednesday, we play a show at the one venue in this city perfectly suited to our stylistic and acoustic desires: The Jewelbox Theater. We will assist Pillow Army and Hardison. The latter of which opened the Jive for us, like thus:


The End Times
The End Times

Deborah Paige
Paul and Deborah Paige

Aurora Roarers
Aurora Roarers


summerdavid said...

I'm sad we didn't get a better picture of Paul's amazing techicolor dreamcoat. Or his ive different guitars. Or douchey facial hair. Or Deborah's reaction to being called out by the angry tambourine weilding backup vocalist from Aurora Roarers. Srsly, a great night.

summerdavid said...

Five. Five guitars.

And dammit, it's a COFFEE pot. Not a tea pot.