
I'm having a Sally Field moment

The End Times came and went last night, and in between our arrival and departure (and yours) a set was played, sweated through (quite literally, in my case), and recorded.

To everyone that came: thank you. Seriously. It meant a whole hell of a lot to me, and I may be going out on a limb here, but I bet Kate and Fred feel the same way. Thank you.

To The Moondoggies: you guys fucking killed. We could not have asked for better. (To everyone else (uh, again): go buy their album, see their shows, and make them as big as they deserve to be)

To those who, for whatever reason, couldn't be there: you missed a swell shindig. But! If you're curious as to what a band -- specifically, our band -- sounds like on its first night in front of an audience, wonder no longer:

The End Times - Live at Kate's 3.10.07 (.MP3 file 48MB)

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